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How can I invite BidX as user in the Advertising Console?

Invitation as user in Seller Central:

Step 1: After logging into Seller Central, select "User Permissions" in the upper right corner of the settings.


Step 2: In the section "Add new user for Seller Central" please insert "BidX" as name and ms@bidx.xyz  as mail address and then click "Invite".Bildschirmfoto 2022-12-21 um 15.43.19

Step 3: Via Seller Central -> "Settings" -> "User permissions" -> "Manage permissions

Note: You must provide information on the authorized person when requested. You will receive this information by request via the following link: Contact

Invitation as user in Advertising Console:

Step 1: If you are using Vendor Central to manage, visit the Advertising Console and select your brand -> "Manage Users" -> "Invite Users".

Step 2: Insert "BidX" as name and ms@bidx.xyz as email address, select "Editor(s)" as role and click "Invite users".